Monday, September 25, 2023

I am not paying this invoice. I am disregarding it, because....

 I am not paying this invoice because MICROSOFT has not provided me with a satisfactory way to access my account since June of this year despite my various attempts. The whole problem arose out of my identity being stolen and its consequences. These are documented in these links.

Hodentek: Identity theft and two-factor authentication (or Two-factor HELL)

HodentekHelp: Is there a workaround for the two-factor verification problem?

HodentekHelp: Identity theft and two-factor authentication (or Two-factor HELL)--Part 2

Here is an invoice that Microsoft emailed to me. I can reply to this email but it does not reach Microsoft.

I also have a bunch of emails that either do not reach Microsoft or it does not care to reply. 

If I choose to see my invoice, I get this screen,

This is my old phone number which was changed when my identity was stolen. The More information is just a circular reference.

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