This book is totally hands-on, you learn by doing it all by yourselves in record time.
Install SQL Server 2012, SharePoint Server 2010, and configure Reporting Services both native and SharePoint Integrated on Windows 7
Install SSDT and author reports, both local and remote, and deploy them to report servers
Develop desktop and web applications by using Report Viewer controls
Author different kinds of reports with the latest gadgets by working with Report Builder
Manage access to the report server, report scheduling, report delivery, report uploads, and downloads with Report Manager
Create Tabular Models with SQL Server Analysis Services and deploy them to SSAS Server using SSDT
Author Power View Reports from your SharePoint Site and export them as Power Point files
Get a first hand experience with Power View Reports, get the full breadth and width of features
Don't know Power Shell. OK. Learn it here and apply it to SharePoint and Report Server APIs and WMI
Learn to create Data Driven alerts in SharePoint and monitor them on SQL Agent on SSMS
Work with SQL Azure Reporting Services using Windows Azure Portal and SSMS. Start signing up for the service end up enjoying the reports
Write applications in SSIS and WPF to access reports and access native server reports from SharePoint Site
For details follow this link here: