Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Microsoft / SAP Alliance & SQL Server

Your employees can now dig deeper to get value out of your business and the Microsoft / SAP alliance makes it lot more flexible, lot easier and more enriching. Now, this alliance makes it possible to have integrated solutions  meshing up these two technologies making the any where, anytime information critical to business available without much effort.

Microsoft / SAP Alliance has many other facets in addition to Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft BI. Review this link here:

This alliance covers all of MSFT, cloud, mobile, office, BI, etc.

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is the best suited database for mission-critical environment. It offers the lowest total cost of ownership(TCO) for all of SAP's needs. Probably the recently released SQL Server 2014 will follow in due course.

These cost savings come through,
  • Increased flexibility
  • High database productivity
  • Increased hardware utilization,
  • Minimized surface area against attacks, etc.
Follow this link for more details regarding SAP and SQL Server:

Review these important SAP notes on SQL Server:

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Create a Windows Azure Mobile Service and its SQL Database buddy at the same time

It is incredibly easy to add a backend to your connected client application using Windows Azure Mobile Services (WAMS).

With WAMS you can provide a secure and scalable backend to power your apps not only on Windows but many other platforms such as iOS, Android etc. Storing data and authenticating users is effortless and you can even send push notifications. As to programming languagges you can use Node.JS or C#.

There are several data storage options
as well, on-premises or Azure SQL Satabase, blob storage, table storage and MongoDB.

Steps you need to follow to create a mobile service.
To get started you should sign up and get yourself an Windows Azure account and enable Mobile Services feature on Windows Azure.

This following procedure assumes you have an account with Windows Azure.

Login to the Management Portal.

When you click on Mobile Services you will see that you have no Mobile Service

Now you will create one.

You want something free (I presume).  As a part of the service you will be creating a new server and a SQL Database. You can choose to create a free 20 MB SQL database. I think it is still not available at all datacenters.

If you already have a Azure SQL database you can choose that database instead of creating a new one. Here the West US region is chosen. You can have the backend language to be Javascript or .NET. Here Javascript is chosen.

Click on the arrow a the bottom right which takes you to the database settings for the NEW MOBILE SERVICE as shown.

Enter the details as shown. The SERVER LOGIN NAME and SERVER LOGIN PASSWORD are yours to choose, but passowrd has to be strong (1 number, 1 special charactr, not less than eight charactrs etc). You can place a check mark for CONFIGURE ADVANCED DATABASE SETTINGS.

You can go back and change settings using the arrow (appropriate ) or go to the next page of the wizard.

Your collation can also be chosen. Here the default is accepted. This is a free database but if you want to change the size or settings, you may have to pay.

Click on the OK icon and your mobile service is pronto as shown.

The URL is being created and it will take some time. In a relatively short time you will have established a mobile service on the Windows Azure platform and a backend SQL database to use.

Well my mobile service was up and running in no time at all.

I will be posting more on this and related topics keep watching this blog or my two other related blogs:



Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Private route to your Azure Data Center on - ExpressRoute

If you are concerned with some of the concerns you may have with doing business over a public network then this is what you should choose.

ExpressRoute is a private route that you can establish between Azure Datacentr and your enterprise data whehter it is on your enterprise or colocation environment. It is private conneciton and does not go over the Internet (public).

Here is a connectivity diagram from Microsoft website for ExpressRoute:

ExpressRoute is now in GA (General Availability) and provides:
  • Higher reliability
  • Faster Speed
  • Lower Latency
  • Higher reliability
as compared to what you can get over the Internet.
As it has entered GA, Microsoft offers 99.99% SLA on ExpressRoute uptime. Microsoft is offering offering two new tiers of bandwith use for the Exchange Provider scenario: 200 Mbps and 500 Mbps.

The following are ExchangeRoute partners (all the biggies in Telecom):

Read more here:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Microsoft Azure Preview Portal Video-Don't miss


If you are planning to take your business to the clouds, this is a must see video and takes less than 3 minutes to watch. This video is about the new preview portal detailing how Microsoft ties up the whole Azure stack and deliver a neat service to you.

More details with screen shots here:

Details of Azure SQL Database Service Tiers and assoicated throughputs

Basic Guide to choosing Azure SQL Databases.

Let us begin with the new acronym DTU. DTU stands for Database Throughput Unit. DTU includes many of the measures such as CPU, memory and read/write rates to a database. DTU provides a guide for the customer to assess the new SQL Database performance levels - Basic, S1, S2, P1, P2,P3. Each of these is designed to provide higher throughput measured as a function of time (Basic in throughputs/hour, Standard(S1,S2) in throughput/minute and Premium (P1,P2 and P3) in throughput/sec.

I wonder whether Microsoft has something for me like throughputs/week!

The following table is from Shawn Bice's blog post.

Here are some throughput/time values tied to service levels:

Microsoft appears to not to say that these are not transaction guarantees for customers but provided to assist  making choices.


Is Vector Search in SQL Server 2025 the Key to Unlocking New Data Insights?

 The advent of AI has ushered in ground breaking changes in most areas of technology. AI is synonymous with a humongous amount of data, data...