Thursday, September 10, 2015

SQL Server Backend for WebApps

We live in a data-centric world.

Data in your store changes with time and you may have to handle data that need to scale. It follows that the applications that you build should scale. Also the developers who work for you may be more proficient in one programming language than the other. Azure Web Apps using SQL and NoSQL database backends are most suited, as scaling is built into Azure. Further Azure Web apps can be written in a number of languages that include: 
  • .NET
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Node.js
  • Python
Most developers can handle two or more from the above list.

Infrastructure management is highly automated and scaling is no problem as Auto scaling capability helps you to go up or down depending on your traffic.

Web Apps with backend are really crucial for your business and your backend can be SQL Database (relational) or NoSQL (non-relational). Microsoft can handle both types, relational with SQL Azure database and NoSQL with DocumentDB (service that helps you to store, index and query JSON-based data. Review references for DocumentDB on Hodentek blog at the conclusion of this post.

You are not sure but would like to try it out for free. Here is the link ( where you can get started.

Free trial may be available only for new users. I have been using Azure since it's beta and I have tried to get the free service but I have not been successful. This may be different now.

Format SQL Response in JSON Format
Moving data to DocumentDB
Data store for IOT
Getting to know DocumentDB-2
Getting to know DocumentDB-1
Signing up for Azure DocumentDB
DocumentDB is announced

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